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Reydon Primary School


Swallows (Year 4)

Class welcome

Welcome back! We hope you all had a lovely half term break and are looking forward to the last half term of year 4 for you all!

We have lots of exciting learning ahead of us. This half term in topic we will be learning about tourism in our local area, Southwold.

In English we are going to be continuing to look at the fiction book 'Journey' by Aaron Becker.

In maths we will be finishing our learning on decimals, before moving on to look at money, time and shape.

This term we will continue to have swimming weekly! We will be swimming on a Tuesday, so please make sure your child has their swimming kit with them in the morning.

Any information you may need will be put onto our class page and you can also find some useful links to websites at the bottom of this page. We also use Twitter to put videos and photos of the exciting work we have completed throughout the term so please check it regularly. 

If you wish to discuss your child's learning, or anything else, please feel free to make an appointment with me, via the school office.

Thank you for all your support.

Miss George - Class Teacher


Miss. Sutton - Class TA (Mon and Tues)                    Mrs. Rose - Class TA (Wed - Fri)




Curriculum Newsletter - Summer 2024



yr4 summer newsletter.pdf




Learning challenges - Summer 2024



yr4 summer learning challenges.pdf



*Homework is set weekly on Purple Mash. It will be available from Friday and is to be handed in by the following Thursday.


*Spellings are also given out on a Friday, for a spelling test the following Friday.

*Children have been given a log-in for TTRS (Times Tables Rock Stars) they are welcome to work on this at home but we will also be using it at school.

Times Table Rockstars

*Reading is logged on 'Boom Reader' and your child will have been sent home their username and password to log on.

 Boom Reader

 *NOT HOMEWORK but some links that the pupils asked me to add to the website*

Topic - Our local area / Southwold and tourism: 

Interactive Southwold map

Google Earth

PE, swimming and music (flute)

PE is on a Friday in the Summer 2 term.

Swimming and flute have finished now for year 4.

wcet student certificate.png



NO spellings handed out on Friday 12th July 2024.

End of year spelling test on the last week!

Spellings will usually be handed out on a Friday, ready for a spelling test the following Friday.

Useful websites

 Typing game programme:


Target Your Maths Books Online Library:


Grammar bug:


Times Tables Rockstars:


DK! Find out:


BBC Bitesize:


Hit the button:



Useful websites with learning resources

Below you will find links to helpful websites and resources which can be used at home to assist further learning.

E-Safety Websites:







Homework Help:


https://www.dkfindout.com/uk/ - Fantastic Resource!
